When you trust yourself, you become unstoppable.
Keep your promises, change your life. Overcome procrastination, self-doubt, self-sabotage, and fear once and for all.
Confidence isn’t about thinking your way into it. Confidence is about taking powerful action and keeping your word to yourself.
With a mix of mindset and practical change, this methodology teaches you why you engage in self-defeating behaviors and how to joyfully leave them behind to live your absolute best life.
Tell me: Do any of these sound like you?
Do you procrastinate and believe you can’t stick with anything?
Is there a long list of good ideas in your past that you never finished or even started?
Do you feel like you’re always breaking promises to yourself?
Do you have a hard time staying consistent?
Do you get stuck in a cycle of being motivated and then burnt out?
Are you super hard on yourself?
Do you have anxiety a lot of the day?
Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to do what you want?
Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels?
Are you too worried you’re not “good enough” to even begin the big projects you dream of working on?
If you’re nodding your head and feeling panic rising up, you’re in the right place. And you’re in good hands. I have felt all of the above—and more. There is no shame in that.
Now, imagine what your life would be like if…
You completely and fully trusted yourself to show up and create the life that you desire…
You created nourishing and supportive habits and let go of less supportive ones…
You became one of those people who’s focused, lovingly disciplined, and moving forward on their dreams and goals…
You went to sleep at night excited to wake up in the morning…
You knew every single day that you kept your promises to yourself and are moving the needle forward on what you most want…
You were super clear on what matters to you…
Your inner monologue was filled with kind words and compassionate thoughts (and your days were a whole lot more joyful because of it)…
You could actually find a healthy balance between work and rest that makes burnout a thing of the past…
You felt that time was on your side, and you have plenty of it to build a life you never need to escape from…
You found a system to make all this happen that was not only easy to implement, but makes you feel more confident in your abilities and happier overall?
Here’s a secret: You haven’t fallen behind or done anything wrong.
You just haven’t found the system that works for you.
The system that was crafted for the procrastinators, and rebels, and ADHDers, and self-saboteurs, and artists, and free spirits—people who don’t want a boring, average, or monotonous life.
People who want to do things their way.
Sound like you? Is that resonating hard?
Then, you’re in the perfect place.
So, let’s talk: what aspirations keep you up at night?
Do you want to…
Write a book one day?
Show up to your art consistently?
Start your own business?
Get in better shape?
Have great habits?
Eat more healthfully?
Cook more meals?
Get out of debt?
Take care of your mental health?
Be more on top of your day?
Keep your own promises to yourself?
Be happier, more joyful, less anxious and overwhelmed?
Whether you have personal or professional aspirations, being consistent and building healthy, doable habits is the way to ensure your own success.
Don’t let your gifts die inside of you. There is a way to bring them to fruition—with joy, love, and trust and not with punishment and restriction. Because…
When you can count on yourself, you are truly unstoppable.
When you can rely on your own word, you can dream bigger.
Most people have no idea that their lives become smaller and smaller because they don’t think they can stick to their habits.
When you show up for yourself, you can make long-term goals that feel achievable.
You can make massive strides in your personal, creative, and professional life.
And you can enjoy the journey of bringing those to fruition.
In fact, you might enjoy the journey so much that the result feels like the cherry on top…
Here’s the reality: There is a life where you totally and completely trust yourself.
And let’s just say it’s not about doing and hustling more and never, ever taking a break.
In fact, your sacrifices aren’t required at all.
How about this instead?
Weekends and evenings completely off.
Boundaries around your time.
Less crap you think you “should” do.
More joy in your day to day life.
More of you listening to and honoring yourself.
More space for what matters.
Total clarity.
And habits you’ll actually stick to.
This isn’t an impossible dream. It’s completely within your capability.
You just need to learn the Live with Intention system and then you’ll have a foundation to build a life you love so much you’ll never really need another course or book on time management, habit change, or consistency ever again.
Live with Intention has helped 1200+ past students…
get out of debt
establish consistent routines
make more money
write books
manage their mental health
build real confidence
get their dream jobs…
and do it all with joy and purpose
Keep scrolling for more information + dozens of success stories!
“Live with Intention has been one of the most impactful courses I have ever taken.”
To be honest, I rarely finish online, self led courses and have actually stopped taking them. But Jamie’s was different. You could feel the amount of attention, intention(!) and work that went into the course. I have actually completed it twice and am going through it for a third time. It's a course and body of work I will continue to visit as I get more each and every time.
—Mary Beth L.
“Live with Intention is an antidote to the crazy hustle mentality. This course is truly transformative and worth every cent.”
Every time I read Jamie’s words I feel calm, centered and inspired. Her course is like an anchor that I continually come back to as I work towards my goals. It is helping me stay centered, create powerful goals with realistic means to achieve them, all as I move towards generating a more sustainable, joy filled life.
—Jennifer D.
“If you’re not sure about the course—do it. I promise the information in there is easily worth ten times the price.”
Is it too dramatic to say this course changed my life? Because it did.
I loved this course so much when I first went through it. I’ve printed out the course PDF and I’m now in the middle of my second read through, taking time to not only digest the content but create those small steps and touchstones that allow me to be more intentional in my life.
—Alexandra H.
“Live with Intention unlocked possibility and experiences that have gone far beyond anything I had ever honestly allowed myself to imagine for my life.”
I began to see results quickly, which made me feel encouraged and want to keep going because I was having a profound emotional and spiritual experience of showing up for myself in a way that felt incredibly healing after a life filled with interactions that led me to believe I wasn’t good enough.
It’s been almost two years since I first went through the course.
And today? WOW.
I get to do work I love with people I love every day. I’ve grown as a professional, creator, and person.
This life-changing course is a beautiful marriage of productivity practices and self-compassion, and that’s so needed because all too often those elements can feel like they are at odds.
—James K.
Hi, I’m Jamie and let me tell you how living with intention has radically changed my life for the better…
This course is the culmination of 7+ years of my own growth, healing, and experimentation
I’m not really a “course person.” I simply created a system that helped me go from inconsistent to committed; seeking approval from others to trusting myself explicitly; and all over the place to totally intentional with my time and energy.
And I felt I needed to share that with everyone, because it was so powerful!
Here’s just some of the magic I’ve been able to create as a result of living with intention:
I write, create, and exercise consistently and have been for over 7 years—after spending all of my twenties and half of my thirties never being able to rely on myself. The change this has provided in my life in terms of confidence and self-belief is massive. Knowing you can be consistent is truly a superpower.
I finally wrote that novel I’d been dreaming about for twenty years, and got a book deal for it from Park Row, an imprint of HarperCollins. Main Character Energy was released on September 5th, 2023. Publishers Weekly called it a “sparkling debut.”
My next novel, also being published by Park Row, I wrote the entire book on a deadline and turned it on time. The procrastinator in me who used to work on an essay hours before class and never studied for tests couldn’t believe it.
I got book deals for my first nonfiction book, Radically Content and for its companion journal Radically Content: The Journal. RC was a multiple bestseller.
I paid off all of my student loan, tax, and credit card debt 6 years ago and have not once carried debt since then.
I overhauled how I care for my body, how I eat, and how I approach exercise (all while truly loving my body.)
I created this Live with Intention course and opened up a new income stream for myself.
I am wildly consistent, dedicated, disciplined, and can start and stop new habits and rituals with ease.
I trust myself wholly.
And while these are shiny and exciting accomplishments, what’s even more important is that I’ve also managed to do incredible healing work, and have stepped into the most powerful and honest version of myself.
I had a vision and proactively created and continue to create this life using the Live with Intention system.
I am my first success story. But not the last.
Keep your promises, change your life.
So, how does it work?
It all comes down to my unique 5 Step Intention Method that anyone can implement successfully:
Step 1: Getting into the right headspace for an intentional life (mindset shifts & growth abound!)
Step 2: Figuring out what you actually want to do (and why it’s important to you)
Step 3: Making a plan to get there (a realistic plan!) and expecting and planning for your success
Step 4: Committing to taking consistent, focused action (small steps reign supreme!)
Step 5: Ramping up, quitting what’s not working, and going all in on what is working (yes, quitting is a good thing!)
Self-trust might not feel possible right now, but I promise it is.
“So grateful to my past self for taking the chance on this course. You won’t regret it!”
When I found Live with Intention, I was in a tough place. Business was stagnant, my life was okay but stressful and unorganized, and I was just struggling to stick with any of the things I knew I needed to do to make my life improve. I was frustrated.
First off - I loved the course itself. It was gentle, easy to read and understand, even as it challenged me to examine things I really didn’t want to do. I felt things start to shift right away.
In the year that followed, I learned to love cooking for the first time in my entire life, I took huge steps towards managing my mental health better that have improved my life monumentally, and I grew my business by 30%. My business exploded, all while I worked half the number of hours I had the year before, and with zero hours of childcare.
I am sitting here a year later telling you that Live with Intention changed my life - but not only that, it changed my heart and my mind. I use the lessons I learned every day to make my life easier, more fun, and more full of self-care - the real stuff, not just the bubble baths. My family, my team, and my future self all have benefitted hugely.
—Lynne S.
“I thought I already had done ‘enough self-help courses’ in my life. But something told me yours would be different.”
To be honest I don’t even know how to put it in words. I’m SO grateful for your course. For real.
Now I see I was mostly just ‘consuming self help content’ and not trusting myself. And your course is actually directing me to design my OWN life and decide what feels good for me instead of someone telling me what I should do. I feel like just now I’m starting to really discover and build self-trust. Thank you for that!
“I immediately felt the value in the thought and care that went into making every detail of this course. It lifts your spirits before you even dig in.”
Once I got inside I could see how that same attention to detail spreads through all of the resources. I love how nothing feels like I am being taught but it feels like I am being reminded of who I am and what I was already capable of.
While I knew I wanted to live a more intentional and connected life that left me feeling nurtured and loved by the self, I just really struggled to find the flow. I stayed on the hamster wheel of busy work and toxic habits and passive self-hate language for so long I wasn’t sure there was a way out.
The Live with Intention Course has flipped those limiting beliefs on its head. I am a work in progress but this course has allowed me to lean into the life of my dreams, intentionally, passionately and practically. I am in love and so full of gratitude for this course and for all that Jamie has brought to it!
—Megan F.
“Live with Intention is so good, I want to buy it again.”
I had mastered the art of keeping promises to everyone but myself, but Jamie’s system led me one gentle step after another down the path of being pulled forward by my joy rather than pushed forward by fear, simply avoiding failure rather than planning for my success.
Now I have a process that sets me up to expect my writing to be easy and fun. This is a repeatable framework that works for anything from finishing a screenplay to getting in shape, and it’s material that you will revisit again and again and again.
But better than getting things done is the compassion and trust for myself that has been built by approaching my life this way. I am no longer the biggest obstacle standing in my way and am gradually becoming my own secret weapon instead.
—Emily B.
The Details
Immediate access to the 5-step course that you can access anytime, anywhere, so you can build your intentional life at your own pace
A mix of actionable exercises and emotional exercises that do two important things: remove your emotional blocks and THEN, just as important, give you action steps to take
Beautifully-designed materials that will lovingly walk you through how to create the intentional life you most desire
Identify and shift any of the blocks that are getting in the way of you taking the action that feels most loving and aligned
A 100% shame-free approach to teaching these methods from someone who has been there (and has no interest in making you feel bad)
A 100% bullshit-free approach—no extra fillers or distractions. I’ve made this course with as much intention and integrity as I do anything else in my life.
Getting In
This course is entirely online and at your own pace. There are no live webinars you need to stress about attending. You just login to your account, and enjoy!
You’ll pay in full or set up your payment plan, create your account, and that’ll be it. Easy!
You get access to ALL of the materials at once, including bonuses.
Your access to the course will not expire, so you can come back to it for refreshers at any point you want.
The Content
What You’ll Learn
In this course, you’ll become totally immersed in the 5-Step Intention Method and learn exactly how to live your most intentional, focused, joyful life
The Course Details
In the course dashboard, you’ll receive 30 pieces of content, in a variety of PDFs and worksheets, along with a master PDF that includes all the course material if you want to have it printed and bound.
You’ll also receive about 3 hours of video, in total
Along with that, you’ll receive the bonuses that are listed after the 5 Steps
Step 1: Emotional Prep & Mindset Changes
In this step, think of it like the prep before getting into the actual work. Let’s get your mind right. Let’s stretch your belief system before you just jump in. I think of this step as setting down the foundation for who you want to be, so you start from a positive place.
Why your mindset is just as important as taking action, and how knowing this will help you get your emotional foundation down to expect your own success
What is an intentional life exactly? Why does it matter? How does it all work? And more importantly: how is being intentional going to get YOU closer to the kind of thriving life you crave.
What are your expectations? Are you hoping you do well? Or just hoping you don’t fail? This is a huge distinction and shift to make—and will blow your mind. (Really, this is the PDF most people reference when gushing about this system!)
Are you being way too hard on yourself? I’m going to teach you how to be kind to yourself, for real. Let’s rewrite the script going on inside that beautiful mind of yours!
Step 2: What You Really Want & Why
In this step, you’re going to identify your most genuine desires. And, this is the most important part: you’re going to get crystal clear on why you want what you want. This will ensure that you have intrinsic motivation, which is a vital part of sticking to your word.
This is such a fun step! It’s going to be heavy on the printable worksheets and self-discovery, but that’s the exciting part. Because in this course, you’re going to get to know YOURSELF so well.
Without knowing what your priorities are… it’s impossible to prioritize them, right? So, let’s get all your wants and desires out in the open, then dwindle them down to 3-4 top priorities (I have a system to help you do just this!)
Since the whole point of this is to feel good, you’re going to get crystal clear on how you want each of these priorities to feel.
Then, you’ll learn how to know the difference between what you want and what you think you should want. And how to be able to let go of those pesky “shoulds” once and for all (because you want the life YOU want, not the life someone else wants for you…)
We’ll go into the pursuit of “good enough” and why it keeps you incredibly stuck and how shifting into an attitude of experimentation is way better. Goodbye imposter syndrome, once and for all! (Yes, really…)
Oh and yeah, we’re going to talk procrastination here, too! And how to get rid of that habit as well.
Because when you’re clear on what matters, and have a plan in place, and you’re not afraid of being “good enough”—procrastination and imposter syndrome just really don’t have a place in your life anymore. (Magic!)
Step 3: Make a Plan of Action
In this super important step, you’re going to make your plan of action. The biggest and most important thing in this step is that you’re going to confront the reality of your time and what time you really have free in your day. This is when my worksheets and methods are going to benefit you even more, because I’ve learned how to expand my time just by being intentional with it. This is a huge eye-opening step!
If you don’t plan for the time, it won’t happen. Break out your calendar, and let’s make a real plan of action for those priorities of yours. (Without the overwhelm!)
You’ll get a full picture of your responsibilities and you’ll be able to see where you can cut back, what you can add, and what you realistically can do in a day. This is actually fun, because you get all this time back into your life—just by getting clear on what you want and how you want to spend your time.
You will also become more aware of what times of day work best for you for certain tasks, and how to work with your natural inclinations, instead of against them. (Early bird? Night owl? All are welcome!)
You’ll learn how to incorporate my most treasured philosophies (that help me do more of what I love on a daily basis): that small steps are more effective than large ones; that one hour a day can change your life; and that easiest is always best.
You’ll also learn the super popular Future Self Building exercise, which is ridiculously powerful in helping you stick to your intentions—and very helpful in making you view aging like a wonderful becoming, as opposed to something to dread!
Step 4: Show Up & Do the Work
Okay, of all the steps, this is obviously the most important, because it’s putting into practice everything you’ve been learning. But, by the time you get to this step, you’ll be ready. I’ve designed the course this way! And, this step is definitely the largest one, in terms of how much content and help you’re going to get, because I want you to succeed so much (and know that you can)!
You’re going to learn about focus, boundaries, eliminating distractions, and how action cures fear. This is the missing piece of so many self-help puzzles. Without action, all your changes are theoretical. This is where you learn to actually BUILD the life you want—not just hope it happens to you. (And, trust, building it isn’t really that difficult once you implement this joyful process…)
We’ll talk about the importance of small steps and how they are crucial to creating consistency. And how they are the antidote to overwhelm!
You’ll get my 5 Notecard System for planning out your week—a system that relieves stress, instead of creates it. And is super easy. All you need is a pen and notecards!
I’ll teach you about a simple time blocking method, so get ready for your relationship to time to change dramatically—in a good way!
Then, you’ll learn how to know when to pivot, when something’s not working, the importance of quitting, and how that information can inform all your next moves (because, if you’re not growing, what’s the point?) And yes, quitting can be a good thing. Make way for better things!
We’re also going to talk about morning and nighttime routines, the power of adding fun rituals, and you’re going to get the never-before-seen Morning & Nighttime Ritual Builder worksheet (very fun!)
Step 5: Evaluate & Expand
You’re going to assess what’s been working here and you’re going to see why building that momentum and consistency is so important, because now you have the foundation built. Now you can expand and ramp it up (if you want to).
How to ramp up your efforts without feeling like it’s too much of a stretch. This is how you use the momentum of small steps to expand out into new levels, without feeling like it’s going to burn you out or overwhelm you.
You’ll learn about the importance (and, frankly, the necessity) of quitting. Because you have to try things to know what you like. Full permission to quit all the things that are dragging you down!
You’ll get The Ideal Mindset to have in a handy chart that you can keep with you. Like a brain cheat sheet! Remember all those times you wish you had a road map to follow for life? Well, this is kinda it…
Oh! And you’re going to learn about Anchor Habits, which are amazingly useful in starting new, smaller habits with total ease. (Anchor habits are magic and honestly, so are you.)
Plus even more, because this whole last step is about living an intentional life consistently and sustainably. And so that’s what we’ll focus on here in our last step of the process!
You get all of the above + these bonuses!
An update video from Jamie about how she continues to use Live with Intention to create more magic in her life, with more actionable tips on how to apply these habits to your own life
10 beautifully-designed PDF prints to put on your walls
10 beautifully-designed phone wallpapers of mantras
30 journaling prompts
50 affirmations to use for your own life-building broken down into categories like Money Mantras, Love Mantras, Career Mantras, etc.
A beautifully designed workbook of all the course content (minus videos) together that you can print and keep (lots of people have printed it!)
You can do this.
The unique Live with Intention Course will offer all the structure and insight you’ve been craving so you can build a super loving relationship with yourself.
The success stories speak for themselves.
It’s time for you to flourish and thrive now.
There are 4 ways to get in:
You can pay in full, or pay 2, 4, 6 monthly payments.
Get immediate access to the entire program, no matter which payment plan you choose.
Here’s the simple secret: You don’t need more time, you need more focus.
And when you’re bogged down by fear of failure, procrastination, self-sabotage, frustration—it’s impossible to do what lights you up.
Once you start to view change with joyful expectation and not with anxious dread, you can do so much more of what you want to do (and so much less of the crap you don’t want to do).
Living with intention is a way of saying: living with focus.
Living with priorities that actually align with your deepest desires.
And you can’t do any of that without listening to yourself, trusting yourself, and developing self-awareness. And then, taking action.
Because, action cures fear.
When you pair action with joy, you are unstoppable.
When you pair self-accountability with desire, your life will change for the better—drastically.
When you recognize that honoring your commitments to yourself is how you build self-love, it’s like unlocking the magic within.
There’s a surprising freedom in cultivating discipline and sticking with loving habits.
You’re going to show up, regardless.
You’re going to get to it, regardless.
You’re going to believe in yourself, regardless.
It’s difficult to be hard on yourself about where you are in life when you are actively disciplining yourself to create a better future. Discipline is a generator, of confidence and self-respect and self-trust.
It seems so militant on the surface. So restrictive. But in fact, ask any person who is disciplined and habitual and ritualistic—it’s the opposite.
It’s a relief. A freedom. A joy. To be able to count on yourself.
To lovingly line up who you say you are and what you actually do.
This digital course teaches you the exact method to show up for yourself, cultivate discipline, and generate self-trust and joy, on a day to day basis.
No more being hard on yourself. There’s nothing wrong with you. You are completely enough. You just need the right key.
The right method.
The process (and person) that totally gets you. And now you’ve found it.
If you’ve been looking for a sign that it’s time to start getting more focused about your life—you’re in the right place!
“If you have a tendency to self-sabotage like me, then this course will be perfect for you.”
The course has honestly been life changing. I’ve struggled A LOT with sticking to, well, pretty much anything. I have a tendency to rebel against any sort of structure, but I knew that I needed intentional routines to make my life easier and happier. The way I was operating just wasn't serving me. I’d invested in a few of Jamie’s workshops before and the things she’d taught had worked so I was desperate to try this, more in-depth, one. It goes deep. You look at what you genuinely want in your life - WHY you want those things, identify limiting beliefs and behaviours and craft ways of living that are truly intentional and serve you. I can't quite believe that I now have routines that serve me, that have reduced my anxiety and lift me up on a daily basis. I feel better - and more like ME.
I like myself more and I am, dare I say it, proud of the life I'm building. So needless to say, I love this course, I love Jamie and I can’t recommend this enough.
“I can’t recommend this course, and Jamie’s work, high enough.”
Jamie has a very unique ability of weaving words in a way that hit you right in the heart at exactly the right time. Live with Intention invites us to live a life that prioritizes joy which means naturally all the nonsensical, unnecessary parts of life fall away. With real, tangible action steps, and a gentle, but no BS approach, this (visually stunning) course has allowed me to get out of my own way, look at where I am doing things out of obligation (or because I “should”) and instead live a life that feels expansive, creative, and joyful.
The biggest mindset shift I have found is that I no longer need to seek joy. I notice it EVERYWHERE! The simplest and smallest of moments have the most profound effect on my day - that’s where the magic is. Appreciation for the little things.
I am forever grateful that Jamie Varon and her teachings are in the world.
—Amelia W.
“Jamie guides you through the journey and leads you to action. She prepares you mentally to then get the job done.”
The first word that comes to mind whenever I think of this course is thought-provoking. Jamie not only provided us with inspiring and heartfelt ways of looking at things differently but also with her own personal experience, which makes me feel like living with intention is not something hard or impossible to achieve, but actually quite the opposite.
This course, personally, has made me reevaluate my thought process when it comes to sticking to a goal and achieving it.
Jamie guides you through the journey and leads you to action. She prepares you mentally to then get the job done. There are steps to follow, yet Jamie is not there to tell you what you should feel, do or stop doing, because this course is designed for us to freely mold it into what we are looking for.
“I’ve gotten a new job, fixed my debt and started writing again. Going to bed proud of yourself every night after what you put in is priceless; and this course gave me that.”
Live with Intention got me out of my head and off my a*s. Not only did I stop wishing and wasting time, I got motivated to make a difference and create some long-awaited changes in my life. Be accountable. As someone for decades who loved to read about the woo and dream big, this course got me to finally...DO. And that is everything. Life goes too fast to watch and wait. This course is the gas to get doing. You deserve this.
—Tara S.
Craving more behind the scenes? Watch this walkthrough of the Live with Intention dashboard!
“Anytime you can walk away from an experience feeling lighter, happier, clearer, and more confident - you know that the time you invested was worth it. That is how I felt after each lesson.”
Jamie is personable and real in her writing. It translates beautifully into course material. She breaks down concepts in easy to understand ways, for situations that we all face in life. One of her lessons was about organizing and scheduling your time. She offered a practical system that I have implemented in my life every week and it works SO WELL. More importantly, she dug into the deeper subconscious impulses that drive why it is that we do the things we do.
She introduced the concepts of intention, shame, being enough, and so much more. I felt exposed, but in a very good way. Reading her material, listening to her videos and talks - it was a therapeutic experience. It really got to the heart of our behavior so that we can have the confidence and understanding to adjust our actions and be happier. She articulates these concepts so beautifully, and has a way of making you feel so good about yourself and your choices in the process!
“It’s a great reminder on how to approach life and teaches you an approach to life, building your dreams, and is done so in a way that is easy to digest and enjoyable to consume.”
The biggest change for me was mindset. Through the course, I've realized that to live a life of my dreams, I need to be brave and follow a path that not many around me have chosen. I also took on a new mindset of allowing this to be easy and joyful - and that has made such a profound difference in how I approach things.
—Angela P.
See what people are saying on Instagram about the Live with Intention course!
“I have purchased a few self-guided courses and never felt it click in the way that Jamie’s course has. She is a true curator of joy—the course is kind, thoughtful, and realistic.”
I cannot say enough about Jamie’s Live with Intention course, it has truly changed my life. The course is clearly laid out with readings and assignments that aren’t too much to tackle in small bites for someone with a busy life that may question if they have time to start.
Each section builds perfectly on the last and allows for introspection and also gives clear examples for inspiration to create a plan for the life you want. This course has helped me with sobriety, navigating catastrophic and negative thoughts, and helped me create a clear path to my goals. I am actually on my third pass through it in the past two years, it is just as impactful to go through again as my goals, priorities, and needs shift. If you are looking for help in creating a more mindful and purposeful life, this is a fantastic first step!
—Lisa M.
“I’ve made things happen this year that I simply couldn’t in the past three years of being in business desperately trying to make ends meet. I am doing things that I was too scared to think about.”
Live with Intention brought me a lot of confidence in my own abilities as I realized how I had the power to choose to do things differently. I have a history of breaking my promises to myself but the course made me see things in a different light and gave me a chance to dove deeper into what was truly standing in my way. I am learning to be kind to myself and set myself up for success with intention. It was a deep dive into exploring what living with intention means for me and how I can cultivate that on my own terms and in my own way.
With that kind of confidence in my own self, clarity around what I really want has made this the best year of my business and life so far despite it also being the hardest year with a global pandemic. I've made things happen in this year that I simply couldn't in the past three years of being in business desperately trying to make ends meet. I am doing things that I was too scared to think about. I know where I want to go and what I need to do to get there instead of sitting in fear and hoping to not feel afraid one day. Like you say, action cures fear - I am experiencing that in real life at the moment.
“I’ve grown so much stronger thanks to the tools you provided for me. I stand up for myself now, without so much as giving it a second thought. It has become my new nature.”
Your course was life changing for me. I finally found the courage to truly listen to myself. With your help, I started asking myself the right questions to figure out what I wanted from my life. And I started building. Now, a few months later, even in this strange times with a pandemic virus, I hardly recognize the person I was at the start of this year. I’ve grown so much stronger thanks to the tools you provided for me. I stand up for myself now, without so much as giving it a second thought. It has become my new nature. I don’t feel sorry anymore, for choosing myself. And it changed everything.
I found a job I never dared dream of. But you made sure I did dream, and acted on it. Now I find myself in this place, where I’m truly happy with the person I’ve become. It’s amazing. I can never thank you enough for this, but you do have my eternal gratitude. You’ve taught me things for life.
Hi, I’m Jamie and I’m a designer, author, teacher, and reformed hot mess—and I used to be exactly where you are
This course is the culmination of 7+ years of focused work, quantum healing, and exponential growth.
I’m completely obsessed with teaching people (especially women) how to create the lives they want, get out of their own way, and believe in how damn worthy they are. It’s my passion—it’s what I do in every facet of my life.
Since 2009, I’ve owned a web design, branding, and creative consultant company called Shatterboxx and my calling with that is to help women grow their businesses and brands so they can be financially independent.
Everything I write—from Instagram posts, to my Substack, to my books, to all the articles I’ve published around the internet—always slant toward empowering women.
My work in the world has been primarily defined by giving women permission to be the most brilliant, fullest versions of themselves. It’s 100% my passion.
But, years ago, I used to lay awake at night mad at myself for not doing so much of what I said I wanted to do. I was disconnected from what I actually wanted and so afraid of not being “good enough” that I never even started or committed.
And I felt awful. I wasn’t happy. My anxiety was out of control and I was down on myself all the time.
I do not have a naturally habitual personality. I used to think I would just be a trainwreck forever.
So, when I figured this process out for myself, I honed my systems. It’s been more than 7 (!) years of consistent action and change with measurable results. Seven years of milestones I didn’t think I’d ever get to (I literally thought I’d die still owing money on that damn Target Visa).
I’m not even close to the same person I was before this system. I have truly achieved all my dreams and have to make new ones (the best problem to have)!
“Jamie is there the whole way, gently leading you through a simple, beautiful process that, if you let it, can and will change your life for the better.”
Jamie’s Live with Intention course is so much more than meets the eye. Yes, you will gain clarity and cultivate habits that reflect that clarity, but you’re also gonna learn about yourself in a really real, really raw kinda way. And Jamie is there the whole way, gently leading you through a simple, beautiful process that, if you let it, can and will change your life for the better.
Her authenticity is deeply relatable and the pacing is such that you aren’t overwhelmed and really WANT to follow through.
The journal prompts and mantras included in the bonuses are well worth checking out for that extra oomph! If you’re looking for something that's so much more than self improvement, something more like self inquiry in a loving, sustainable way, this is what you’re looking for.
“It has been eye-opening to explore what attitudes I was bringing to both my work and everyday routines, and how hard I was making things for myself just with the belief that good things come to those who suffer for them.”
I’ve gotten so much out of this course. I’ve struggled with some mindset issues in terms of ‘just getting things’ done since I was a teenager. This course has helped me to start realising what my habits of procrastination and self-doubt are, where they might come from and what I can do to change them.
It has also been eye-opening to explore what attitudes I was bringing to both my work and everyday routines, and how hard I was making things for myself just with the belief that good things come to those who suffer for them.
It sounds simple, but being told it's okay to enjoy what I spend my time on has been such a relief. Thanks so much for this course! I’m so glad I invested in it.
When I developed these systems, everything changed for me…
It started with developing a consistent journaling habit.
Every morning, I was at the dining table with my plate of scrambled eggs, pen in hand, writing out how I felt for 2-3 pages. It was sticking to that first solid commitment that I realized the power of starting small, setting intentions, and honoring my own word. And, more so, how damn good it felt. It made me realize that the whole point to all of this is feeling good—and I wanted more of it.
I’m not just “lucky.” Or better at this than other people. Or born with a natural instinct for organization or commitment.
I’ve cracked the code on living with intention, on going all in on your deepest desires. It’s been the fundamental transformation of my life. I think of my life in a before and after: before living with intention and after—it’s that powerful. So much happier and free.
And I want the same for you. This course was designed and created from immense gratitude, that I was able to hone this system for myself—and that I have the opportunity to teach it to all of you.
Today is a great day to begin.
The unique Live with Intention Course will offer all the structure and insight you’ve been craving so you can build a super loving relationship with yourself.
The success stories speak for themselves.
It’s time for you to flourish and thrive now.
There are 4 ways to get in:
You can pay in full, or pay 2, 4, 6 monthly payments.
Get immediate access to the entire program, no matter which payment plan you choose.
You get all the materials at once. You have this content forever. And you can take the course completely at your own pace.
YES! I love payment plans. You can pay for the course in two or four payments or in full. There is no penalty for using a payment plan.
Whenever I add new content, all past students will receive it, free of charge!
Emotional transformations as well as practical worksheets and action steps. I’m a big believer in partnering emotional growth with actual, tangible steps, so that’s what this course is all about. It marries the emotion with the tangible!
What you put into this, you’ll get out of it. I can’t guarantee that X, Y, and Z will happen for you in concrete terms, but I can guarantee that if you commit to seeing your life in a new way and approach your priorities with curiosity, you will learn about yourself and how better to live with intention.
It’s all yours! And plus, you get access to any updates I add for future editions of this course.
While I know this course is packed with value and the system works, I understand if you get in there and it’s not for you. You’ll have 48 hours to request a refund by emailing courses@jamievaron.com and you’ll be given one, no questions asked. But, please be mindful: because the course can be easily downloaded, please do not keep materials or download unless you plan to stick with the course.
That’s such a bummer when that happens! I think what makes mine different is that I’ve spent 6+ years honing this system, so I feel like I’m bursting with helpful ideas and a solid process that I can teach, both through practical application and my own experience. I do everything with integrity and I’ve spent a year formulating this course, because I am determined to make it something you’ll return to over and over!
I don’t do any 1:1 coaching, at the moment. I love teaching! As for my live workshops, I don’t have any upcoming plans to do more of those, as I’m pivoting to courses which don’t require any time constraints.
While the book touches on similar subjects, it’s much more of a narrative story than this course is. The book sets out my belief system, to create satisfied and content lives. And the course is, essentially, a very practical how-to. I would say, more than anything, they complement each other really well!
If I haven’t answered your question here, please feel free to email me at courses@jamievaron.com and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours, usually sooner!
Guarantee Policy
There’s no doubt in our mind that you’ll love this course and will be able to apply the principles to improve upon your life, but if you do get in the Dashboard and really feel it’s not for you, we’re happy to offer a refund within 48 hours of purchase, no questions asked. You can request it by emailing: courses@jamievaron.com. That being said, if you get in and resistance starts to take over, we recommend that you do stick with it. Resistance is completely normal and part of the process. In order to grow, you’ll need to be able to push through that initial fear. You signed up for a reason—and our hope is that you won’t be taking a chance on us, but taking a chance on YOURSELF with this system.