Do any of these sound like you?
Do you feel like you’re always breaking promises to yourself?
Do you have a hard time staying consistent?
Are you really, really hard on yourself and can’t seem to stop that negative inner monologue?
Do you struggle with procrastination and follow through?
Do you find that you’re the last person you prioritize on your list?
Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to do what you want?
Do you feel like the days, weeks, months, years seem to get away from you?
Does the start of a new year bring you dread every single December?
Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels and not much is happening for you?
Do you feel like you’re the biggest obstacle standing in your own way?
Are you too worried you’re not “good enough” to even begin the big projects you dream of working on?
Are you a little confused on what you actually want to do and yourself paralyzed by all the options?
Me too.
At least, I used to. I’ve been there. (Hello my entire twenties and into my thirties!) At many points in the past, I’ve felt each of the above—and often many at once.
And I hated it. My anxiety was out of control and I was down on myself all the time.
I used to lay awake at night mad at myself for not doing anything I said I wanted to do. I would make lists and plans and schedules and within A DAY, I’d lose all motivation. I was always trying to do too much and do things that other people told me were important to do. I was disconnected from what I actually wanted and so afraid of not being “good enough” that I never even started or committed.
Until four years ago, when everything changed for me…
It started with developing a consistent journaling habit. Every morning, I was at the dining table with my plate of scrambled eggs, pen in hand, writing out how I felt for 2-3 pages. It was sticking to that first solid commitment that I realized the power of starting small, setting intentions, and honoring my own word. And, more so, how damn good it felt. It made me realize that the whole point to all of this is feeling good—and I wanted more of it.
It changed how I saw myself, how I approached everything else in my life, and it made me 100% happier.
Since then, I’ve developed ironclad systems to building new habits, keeping my own promises to myself, not letting fear get in my way, and approaching change with love and joy, instead of fear and anxiety. I used to let anxiety make all my choices for me. Now, I make all my choices from a place of genuine joy.
In this course, I’m teaching you my 5 Step Intentions Process—and I have to tell you, I’m buzzing with excitement about it. Because, I’m finally in a place where I know this system really, really, really works. For anyone. If you commit to it, I can promise you it will fundamentally change the relationship you have with yourself.
After receiving hundreds of messages from people asking me HOW they can commit to themselves, I made this course. It was a natural progression, a deeper dive, into what I write about on my Instagram and in my Friday Letters.
Because you don’t become the person you dream about becoming by accident. You build that person. Step by step. And the act of building it—becomes the basis of your joy.
Okay, but does this really work, Jamie?
HELL YES. Because of these systems, over the past few years I’ve completely transformed my life (and that’s NOT an understatement).
Since 2016, I’ve:
Paid off all my credit card debt (and have since never carried a balance on even one credit card)
Paid off debts to the IRS for back taxes
Paid off ALL my student loans
Went from a 600 credit score to an 800
Developed a consistent exercise routine
Read 1-2 books a week
Written my Friday Letters consistently since November 2018
Can sit down at the computer and write without writer’s block in a highly ritualized way
Wrote a book proposal and two full manuscripts (this is thousands and thousands of words, friends)
Signed with an incredible literary agent
Signed 5-6 figure contracts with clients at my design company (and have six-figure years every year)
Decided in 2020 I wanted to cook more and went from cooking dinner 1-2x/week to 5-6x/week with ease and joy
Developed incredible boundaries around my time that it felt like I gained my life back
Got so good about managing my time that I have the capacity to do so much more without getting burnt out all the time
Spent a year living in France with my husband in our thirties (because when you know your priorities, you can create a plan to fulfill them)
Can now easily add new routines, action on ideas quickly, and do what I say I’m going to do that I don’t even have to think about it. All I have to do is decide what I want to do—and it’s in motion. I don’t spend ANY time worrying about whether I can follow through; I trust that I will without doubt.
Because I realized something vitally important: once you know what you actually want (not what you should want) and are not actively standing in your own way—you can create, change, and do whatever you want with ease.
None of the above would have been possible if I didn’t listen to myself. If I didn’t live intentionally based on my own map—the map I created from my own desires, not how other people expected me to live.
So, how did I do it?
It all comes down to my 5 Step Intentions Process that you’ll learn in this online course:
Step 1: Getting into the right headspace for an intentional life (mindset shifts & growth abound!)
Step 2: Knowing what you want to do (and why it’s important to you)
Step 3: Making a plan to get there (a realistic plan!) and expecting and planning for your success
Step 4: Committing to taking consistent, focused action (small steps reign supreme!)
Step 5: Ramping up, quitting what’s not working, and going all in on what is working (yes, quitting is a good thing!)
Because, here’s the simple secret: You don’t need more time; you need more focus.
And when you’re bogged down by fear of failure, procrastination, self-sabotage, frustration—it’s impossible to do what lights you up.
Once you start to view change with joyful expectation and NOT with anxious dread, you can do so much more of what you want to do (and so much less of the crap you don’t want to do).
Living with intention is a way of saying: living with focus. Living with priorities that actually align with your deepest desires.
And you can’t do any of that without listening to yourself, trusting yourself, and developing self-awareness. And then, taking action.
Because, action cures fear.
When you pair action with joy, you are unstoppable. When you pair self-accountability with desire, your life will change for the better. When you recognize that honoring your commitments to yourself is how you build self-love, it’s like unlocking the magic within.
And I wouldn’t be able to teach you any of this if I didn’t actively and consistently practice it.
I can’t even tell you the freedom I feel knowing I can rely on myself to keep my promises and to actually take steps toward what I most want. Every single thing I’ve transformed in my life — from a journaling habit to paying off thousands in credit card debt — has started as a small step, one foot after another, and I can’t wait to teach you how to apply this to your own life.
I’m not just “lucky.” Or better at this than other people. Or born with a natural instinct for organization or commitment.
I do not have an habitual personality. I used to think I would just be a trainwreck all the time, always mad at myself, always feeling behind, always doing the exact opposite of what I wanted to be doing. I used to be a hot mess. Truly.
So, when I figured this all out for myself, what I did was hone my systems. It’s been four years of consistent action and change with measurable results. Four years of milestones I didn’t think I’d ever get to (I literally thought I’d die still owing money on that damn Target Visa).
Now, how about this?
Do you want to be one of those people who’s focused, on their shit, and moving forward on their dreams and goals?
Do you want to go to sleep at night excited to wake up in the morning?
Do you want to know every single day that you kept your promises to yourself and are moving the needle forward on what you MOST want?
Do you want to start saying no without guilt and start saying yes only when it lights you up?
Do you want to know exactly what you’re focusing on, why, and the steps you need to move forward?
How good does that sound?
Let me teach you the methods that have completely changed my life—and made me a happier, calmer, more focused person.
This is the first time I’m offering this specific course (yay!). I’ve hosted online workshops in the past. See what past students have said about my work as a teacher:
A mix of actionable exercises and emotional exercises that do two important things: remove your emotional blocks and THEN, just as important, give you action steps to take
Beautifully-designed materials that will lovingly walk you through how to create the intentional life you most desire
Identify and shift any of the blocks that are getting in the way of you taking the action that feels most loving and aligned
A 100% shame-free approach to teaching these methods from someone who has been there (and has no interest in making you feel bad)
A 100% bullshit-free approach—no extra fillers or distractions. I’ve made this course with as much intention and integrity as I do anything else in my life.
This course is entirely online and at your own pace. There are no live webinars you need to stress about attending. You just login to your account, download that week’s materials, and enjoy!
When you purchase, you’ll pay in full or set up your payment plan, create your account, and that’ll be it. Easy!
You get access to Step 1 right away. It’ll be waiting for you in your Dashboard after you register!
From that point on, the content for the next 4 Steps will come every other week, then Step 5 will be available a month later (it’s all part of the process).
Bonuses will be available when Step 5 is released.
You can go entirely at your own pace, but I highly recommend following the timing of the process I’ll teach you.
In this course, you’ll receive beautifully-designed PDFs, printable worksheets, and some video. You’ll be learning in detail the 5 Step Intentions Process, plus more!
Emotional Prep & Mindset Changes
In this step, think of it like the prep before getting into the actual work. Let’s get your mind right. Let’s stretch your belief system before you just jump in. I think of this step as setting down the foundation for who you want to be, so you start from a positive place.
Let’s talk about why your mindset is just as important as taking action.
What are your expectations? Are you hoping you do well? Or just hoping you don’t fail? This is a huge distinction and shift to make!
Are you being way too hard on yourself? I’m going to teach you how to be kind to yourself.
We’re going to rebuild your foundation and belief system for yourself here.
And then, lastly, what is an intentional life exactly? Why does it matter? How does it all work?
What You Really Want & Why
In this step, you’re going to identify your most genuine desires. And, this is the most important part: you’re going to get crystal clear on why you want what you want. This will ensure that you have intrinsic motivation, which is a vital part of sticking to your word.
This is such a fun step! It’s going to be heavy on the printable worksheets and self-discovery, but that’s the exciting part.
Let’s get all your wants and desires out in the open, then dwindle them down to 3-4 top priorities (I have a system to help you do just this!)
Since the whole point of this is to feel good, you’re going to get crystal clear on how you want each of these priorities to feel.
How to know the difference between what you want and what you think you should want.
I’ll also talk about why the pursuit of “good enough” keeps you incredibly stuck and how shifting into an attitude of experimentation is way better.
Oh and yeah, we’re going to talk procrastination here, too!
Make a Plan of Action
In this super important step, you’re going to make your plan of action. The biggest and most important thing in this step is that you’re going to confront the reality of your time and what time you really have free in your day. This is when my worksheets and methods are going to benefit you even more, because I’ve learned how to expand my time just by being intentional with it. This is a huge eye-opening step!
If you don’t plan for the time, it won’t happen. Break out your calendar, and let’s make a real plan of action for those priorities of yours.
You’ll get a full picture of your responsibilities and you’ll be able to see where you can cut back, what you can add, and what you realistically can do in a day.
You will also become more aware of what times of day work best for you for certain tasks, and how to work with your natural inclinations, instead of against them.
I’ll teach you how to incorporate my most treasured philosophies (that help me do more of what I love on a daily basis): that small steps are more effective than large ones; that one hour a day can change your life; and that easiest is always best.
I’ll also teach you my Future Self Building exercise, which is ridiculously powerful in helping you stick to your intentions
Show Up & Do the Work
Okay, of all the steps, this is obviously the most important, because it’s putting into practice everything you’ve been learning. But, by the time you get to this step, you’ll be ready. I’ve designed the course this way! And, this step is definitely the largest one, in terms of how much content and help you’re going to get, because I want you to succeed so much (and know that you can)!
I’m going to teach about focus, boundaries, eliminating distractions, and how action cures fear.
You’re going to learn all about the importance of small steps and how they are crucial to creating consistency.
I’m going to teach you my 5 Notecard System for planning out your week—a system that relieves stress, instead of creates it.
I’ll also teach you about time blocking, so get ready for your relationship to time to change dramatically—in a good way!
How to know when to pivot, when something’s not working, the importance of quitting, and how that information can inform all your next moves (because, if you’re not growing, what’s the point?)
We’re also going to talk about morning and nighttime routines, the power of adding fun rituals, and you’re going to get my never-before-seen Morning & Nighttime Ritual Builder worksheet (very fun!)
Expand, Baby
You get this step a month after Step 4—and that’s all part of the process (I’m telling you, this is super thought-out!). You’re going to assess what’s been working here and you’re going to see why building that momentum and consistency is so important, because now you have the foundation built. Now you can expand and ramp it up (if you want to).
How to ramp up your efforts without feeling like it’s too much of a stretch.
I’m going to talk here about the importance (and, frankly, the necessity) of quitting. Because you have to try things to know what you like.
The ideal mindset to have in a handy chart that you can keep with you. Like a brain cheat sheet!
Oh! And I’m going to teach you about anchor habits, which are amazingly useful in starting new, smaller habits with total ease. (Anchor habits are magic and honestly, so are you.)
Plus even more, because this whole last step is about living an intentional life consistently. And so that’s what we’ll focus on here in our last step of the process!
All the above + even more!
Fun Bonuses
10 beautifully-designed PDF prints to put on your walls
10 beautifully-designed phone wallpapers of mantras
30 journaling prompts
50 affirmations to use for your own life-building broken down into categories like Money Mantras, Love Mantras, Career Mantras, etc.
What is Not Included
No Facebook group to join or keep up with. I want you to have LESS distractions and get into the things you actually want to do, not spend your precious time online.
No boring long-winded videos or audios that ultimately overwhelm you so you don’t finish this course. Nope, everything is coming to you simplified and easy.
Hundreds of pieces of content that you look at in the dashboard and think, “who has the time?” Ideally, you’ll sit down with your favorite beverage and read through each week’s content, do the worksheets, and find it to be a joyful process you look forward to. (Because, aren’t you doing this to feel good? Yes, yes you are, friend!)
Not one online call you have to stress over trying to attend, making you feel like you’re not getting your money’s worth. Nope, there’s nothing live to attend. This course is intelligently-designed to give you exactly what you need to get focused, get simplified, and start getting intentional as hell with your time and energy.
Are you ready?
If you’re ready to simplify your life, get super freaking focused, and finally keep those promises to yourself, then let’s do this. I’m excited for you!
Time to learn a new way of being in your life. Time to expect the best for yourself. Time to actively and intentionally build the life you know you want.
Enrollment is now closed. Add your email to the waiting list to be notified when it’s available again.
An intentional life is a rebellious life.
By living with intention, you aren’t on autopilot, living out someone else’s definition of a good life. You aren’t a cog in a wheel. You decide what matters to you and then you do it. Habits as resistance. Intentions as empowerment. It gives you more of yourself back to you. More of your life back to you.
And it takes that anxious worrying, that people pleasing, that imposter syndrome, that “I’m not good enough”—and turns it all into something powerful.
Your life is not being lived by others, so why live it based on their ideals?
You’re the one who has to live in your life and the only way—and I’ve tried A LOT of ways—to live in a way that feels good, is by living with intention.
I’ve perfected and honed this 5 Step Intentions Process. I’ve used it on myself countless times to finally commit to the things I’ve wanted to do for decades. And every time I use it to defy what others expect of me so that I may do what makes me happy, I feel more powerful, more confident, and more capable.
And what it takes more than anything is not some special talent or loads of extra time. It just takes your commitment and your willingness to see your own life differently. To start showing up to what you want. And to stop talking about what you want to do and instead, do it.
To build the life you want. The person you want. Step by step. Day after day.
This course is my wildly popular Instagram quotes come to life (seriously)
If you’ve been following me on Instagram or reading my Friday Letters you know I put in the work and do this process all the time. You know I’m showing up. You know I’m doing what I most want to do. It didn’t happen by accident.
It happened with intention.
I thought of who I wanted to become and then I imagined her daily life, her habits, her rituals. And I built her, step by step.
I created this course inspired by my most popular writings on Instagram, the ones people share and resonate with the most. I wanted to teach how you can build the life you want, how you can fiercely commit to it, how you can fall in love with your own life. Because, I did it. And, I keep doing it.
Here’s my promise:
You start showing up for yourself, clearing these blocks, and doing focused work, you will be happier. Not because of some secret formula I’m hoarding over here, but because of what you create, how you trust yourself, and finally aligning your day to day with what truly matters to you.
Do you have to do big, crazy things? No. Do you have to uproot your life? No! Do you have to want huge goals? Nope. The beauty of this is that it helps you get crystal clear on what you want, no matter how big or small it is, how simple or grand, how ambitious or not.
What I care about the most: that you live boldly and for yourself entirely.
Hi, I’m Jamie Varon, and this course is the culmination of 4 years of focused work and exponential growth.
I’m completely obsessed with teaching people (especially women) how to create the lives they want, get out of their own way, and believe in how damn worthy they are. It’s my passion—it’s what I do in every facet of my life.
Since 2009, I’ve owned a web design and branding company called Shatterboxx and my calling with that is to help women grow their businesses and brands so they can be financially independent.
Everything I write—from Instagram to Friday Letters to all the articles I’ve published around the internet—always slant toward empowering women.
My work in the world has been primarily defined by giving women permission to be the most brilliant, fullest versions of themselves. It’s 100% my passion.
My joy in life is helping women become friends with themselves, because that’s what I didn’t have in my twenties. I didn’t have my own back. I didn’t love myself. I didn’t live with any kind of intention or conviction. I just ping-ponged from one thing to another and went to sleep anxious and stressed out.
I’ve cracked the code on living with intention, on going all in on your deepest desires. It’s been the fundamental transformation of my life. I think of my life in a before and after: before living with intention and after—it’s that powerful. So much happier and free.
And I want the same for you. This course was designed and created from immense gratitude, that I was able to hone this system for myself—and that I have the opportunity to teach it to all of you.
I'm super busy right now. What if I don't have time to take the course now?
A step will be delivered every other week and then the 5th plus the bonuses comes after a month, but is up to you when you start. You have this content forever. And you can take the course completely at your own pace.
Are you offering a payment plan?
YES! I love payment plans. You can pay for the course monthly or in full. Both options are available in in the buttons above.
What can I expect from this course?
Emotional transformations as well as practical worksheets and action steps. I’m a big believer in partnering emotional growth with actual, tangible steps, so that’s what this course is all about. It marries the emotion with the tangible!
Can you guarantee specific results?
What you put into this, you’ll get out of it. I can’t guarantee that X, Y, and Z will happen for you in concrete terms, but I can guarantee that if you commit to seeing your life in a new way and approach your priorities with curiosity, you will learn about yourself and how better to live with intention.
Will the course expire? Do I need to do it all by a certain time?
It’s all yours! And plus, you get access to any updates I add for future editions of this course.
I’ve bought other courses before and have been disappointed. What makes yours different?
That’s such a bummer when that happens! I think what makes mine different is that I’ve spent 4 years honing this system, so I feel like I’m bursting with helpful ideas and a solid process that I can teach, both through practical application and my own experience. I do everything with integrity and I’ve spent a year formulating this course, because I am determined to make it something you’ll return to over and over!
Do you do 1:1 coaching? Or are you going to give your live workshops anymore?
I don’t do any 1:1 coaching, at the moment. I love teaching! As for my live workshops, I don’t have any upcoming plans to do more of those, as I’m pivoting to courses which don’t require any time constraints.
If I haven’t answered your question here, please feel free to email me at jamie@jamievaron.com and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours, usually sooner!